Fast Shipping - Cash On Delivery - Top Quality Products


FAQ (Frequently asked questions from our customers)

Q. How long will it take for my products to arrive?

A. It will usually take 3 - 6 business days for all orders to arrive. Shipping times vary from product-to-product; based on demand and shipping location in India.

Q. How long will it take to receive a tracking number?

A. It will take usually between 1 - 2 business days.

Q. Where can I place an order from?

A. You can place an order from anywhere in India.

Q. Is shipping really FREE?

A. Yes, shipping is Free for prepaid orders and Rs 30 for cash on delivery orders.

Q. Will I receive a confirmation number when I place my order?

A. Yes, all customers will receive an order number after placing their orders.

Q. Who can I contact if I have a problem with my order?

A. All inquiries can be forwarded to

Q. How can I pay?

A. We accept all Major Credit Cards: Visa, Mastercard.

Q. Is Checkout on this site safe and secure?

A. BIG YES,  all purchases here are safe and 100 % secure.

Q. If I enter my email address will you sell my information?

A. BIG NO, We use Emails strictly for follow-up and to send newsletters of our promotions and coupons for discounts.